No: # 288/1, M.G.Road, Muthialpet, Pondicherry - 605003.
Opening Hour : Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm


Parents & Staffs Interaction

  • Parental participation in bringing up the child is encouraged in a big way. Parents were the most ready and apt teachers their children would ever get. Of all people, a parent knows best how her child learns.
  • In our world of information technology where knowledge of the world is a button away, the teacher’s role has changed from a purveyor to a facilitator who guides the student in coping with the flood of information coming their way. Teaching them to analyze, to separate the relevant from the transient and to arrive at a synthesis. Orientation programmes are held regularly to create awareness among parents and to highlight the important role they play in their developing child. Parents are encouraged to meet their child class teachers to share the facts about their child and their valuable ideas in bringing up their child with teacher. Thus a open communication becomes the first step towards sorting out any education or social problems which may arise.
  • We expect Parental support in areas such as: manners; socially acceptable behavior; responsibility; independence; respect for others etc. makes the school’s task much easier.
  • Our Parents’ Committee is elected from interested parents who enjoy being involved in the school. They give valuable assistance in fundraising activities, help to organize school functions and liaise between the parents and the school.